Update Listings

What is Listings?:
Listings represent the range of items typically sold in a store, drawn from the catalogue.
A listing does not guarantee the item's availability or stock status in the store;
instead it defines the store's usual offerings or assortment.

If you don't have a concept of listing, store range, or store assortment then we recommend basing listings on items that have been in stock over the past two weeks in a store.
This method ensures that the store's listings include products that have been recently available, aligning what customers see with what's likely to be in stock.

  1. Call listings URL with SiteIDs and Item IDs
  2. When processing is complete, or a problem occurred, webhook notifications will be sent

Catalogue Updates
Items modified in subsequent catalogue updates will be immediately reflected in associated listed sites.
New items in subsequent catalogue updates will not be immediately reflected in associated listed sites. New item IDs must be included in a later listings update to become visible to customers
Items removed in subsequent catalogue updates will be immediately removed in associated listed sites. We recommend avoiding removing large numbers of items from catalogues.

Listed Items
All listed item IDs must exist in the latest catalogue.
If any ID is not found, the entire request will fail (returns 404).

Rate Limit
Two types of rate limits apply to this endpoint:

Partner typeSite level rate limitBrand level rate limit
live3 requests per 24 hours per site.10 requests per second per brand.
test10 requests per 24 hours per site.10 requests per second per brand.

Calls during catalogue processing
If an update listings request is sent while its associated catalogue is being updated, it will fail.

Multiple sites
The update listings endpoints accepts multiple site ids but cannot guarantee that, if there are problems during processing, that some sites may be successfully listed and others may not.
Duplicate SiteIDs
In case there's duplicate SiteIDs in the request body, the request will fail (returns 400).
