Catalogue Upload

The Catalogue Upload endpoint allows grocery and retail partners to create and update a catalogue of items and associated data. Sites can reference this catalogue (by provided id) in subsequent update listings calls
As processing large amounts of catalogue data can be resource-intensive, there are a few steps necessary for catalogue upload.


  1. Correctly set up webhooks for the Catalogue API in the Developer Portal
  2. Call Catalogue Upload URL. Successful requests will receive an upload_url and an upload_id, which is used for tracking the entire catalogue upload lifecycle
  3. Upload catalogue data to the upload_url provided in the response. When upload is complete catalogue processing will begin
  4. When processing is complete, or a problem occurs, webhook notifications will be sent, containing the upload_id

Points to Note

  1. upload_url expires 60 minutes after being issued.
  2. upload_url should be called with the catalogue information specified in the Upload URL request
  3. upload_url should not be used for uploading multiple files.

Rate Limit

This endpoint is rate-limited at 10 requests per minute per brand.

Entity Limits

Brands should not have more than 10 active catalogues (catalogues with listed sites) at any point in time.
