Failed delivery reasons


If a delivery failed, a delivery failure reason is provided. This failure reason is available via the delivery webhook as well as the Get delivery endpoint

CANNOT_FIND_CUSTOMERCustomer could not be found by rider at delivery
COLLECTING_DELIVERYIssue happened while the rider is collecting the delivery
DELIVERY_LOCATION_ISSUERider failed to find the customer location
HANDOVER_CODE_MISMATCHHandover code provided by customer does not match the expected value
ID_CHECK_FAILURECustomer ID check was unsuccessful
INCIDENTDelivery could not be completed by to an ongoing Deliveroo incident
UNEXPECTED_DELAYRider faced unforeseen delay in completing the delivery
VEHICLE_PROBLEMSRider faced vehicle issues (breakdown etc...)
CARGO_ISSUEAn issue with the cargo state has been reported (broken items etc ...)
UNKNOWNNo reason has been recorded for the failed delivery
OTHERThe failed delivery reason isn't covered by the existing options