Refund Reasons

The Order Refund webhook payload includes the reason_code field, below are the possible values and their meaning.

Reason CodeDescription
order_undeliverableThe rider was unable to deliver the order or leave it in a safe space
order_otherAn uncategorised reason occurred
missing_itemsThe order was missing one or more items
marked_as_delivered_not_arrivedThe customer did not received the order but it was marked as delivered by the rider
missed_deliveryCustomer missed the rider and item was not delivered or delivered to a safe location
received_wrong_orderCustomer received an order which wasn't theirs
late_orderThe order was delivered late
items_unavailableItems in the order are not available to deliver (out of stock)
dietary_requirementsItems within the order did not match the dietary requirements of the customer
failed_delivery_recoveryRider reported the order as undeliverable (damaged goods, breakdown)
cooked_incorrectlyItems were not cooked to requirements (under/over-cooked)
cold_foodItems within the order were cold
incorrect_itemsCustomer received items which they did not order
spilled_or_crushedItems were either spilled or crushed during transportation
abandonedThe order was abandoned by the customer
blockedThe order was blocked from being placed, usually due to fraud detection
canceledThe order was canceled
rejectedThe order was rejected, usually by the restaurant

It is also possible for the reason_code to contain the value unknown. In this case there is a new categorisation and we haven't been made aware of it. If this occurs, we will update this documentation with the appropriate new code.